Friday, March 30, 2012


You were disbelieving, 
were you not?
In your innocence
You never imagined
Such things could happen
They weren't real.
Those near and dear to you
Were neither so near
Nor so dear.
Your screams echoed through empty skies
Birds flew away.
The wind blew hard
And branches swayed
Mother Earth smothered your terrified cries
Your body you realize
Is not a temple
Because there is no God.
Lowered to a commodity
Your body is not your own
One last thought remains
Mother, where are you?
The red rivulet
From your nostril
Nothing remains.



Hey Buddha! How come there's light around you
Now, where exactly d'you hide the switch?
"Oh, that's the light of wisdom shining through
Comes of sitting still despite a twitch."

Hey Buddha! How come you sit cross legged for hours
It takes just minutes for me to get a cramp
"Oh, by the bestowing of celestial powers
I can sit like this despite the damp."

Hey Buddha! watcha doing here?
Your son needs his father to take him fishing
"Aw shucks! Aw Lord! Aw, of all that's dear!
To go back to him now you have me wishing!"

And so he got up and took off back home
Thinking all the way of his son and dear 'Yashudha'
Completely cured of his 'enlightenment syndrome'
And that's how Glory came to be living in the Buddha.


Thursday, March 15, 2012



He wove dreams with me and around me
I will take you to the river 
And make you a raft
You can lie there and float 
With the current
I'll lift you up by a rope to our own tree house
we will watch the blue moon together 
and hear the owl hoot
I will send you love letters on lotus leaves 
down the river
I will weave you flower garlands made of buttercups
There are open spaces in the forest 
where the bamboo bloomed and died
We will go to the stream where the wild animals drink. 
I will show you how the cheetah's eyes 
shine in the dark jungle
I will show you how to make baskets 
out of palm leaves
And I will make love to you 
among the flowers in the hillside 
where the birds sing