Monday, July 29, 2019


There are pigeons in the terrace
I spend dawns with them
They watch the crazy lady
bend and stretch
 pray to the rising Sun with folded hands

They walk along the railing
like waddling bow-legged old men
making chortling noises in their throats
'you think she's crazy,' chortles one
'you betcha!' says another
the white fan-tailed beauty couldn't care less
she preens aloof from the drab regular grey-blues
and i thank god no nasty pigeon-catcher
can get to her

down to earth
i sometimes find a pigeon hiding
and pick it up carefully
for a pigeon comes down to earth
only to die.

Friday, July 26, 2019


First day at work (yey!)
Switched off alarm and overslept (habit!)
Charger! Charger! (not under the sofa - I looked)
Where are my slippers??
It's a bad-hair day (frizzz!!)
The lining of my handbag caught the zip (why - must - it - do -that??)
Breakfast, some measly dry bread en route (water, please!)
I never calculated the traffic jam (damn!)
Been there for the interview, but the streets all look alike (ya, ya, this one. no, no, that one)
One round...two round (in confused silence)
Finally!! (i passed this building - twice)
Just half hour late!
"I'm sorry! Am I late?" (embarrassed smile :)


my home lies leewards

the way birds fly at Sunset

somewhere over the horizon

lies my humdrum world

where the maid has not dusted properly

pyjamas on the floor

books strewn around...

he has left his spectacle by the phone

will claim he's misplaced it of course

the cook has forgotten to turn off the gas

yes, and does the plumber really know his job??!!

the dog has walked across the just-swiped floor

and I! I have yet to have my bath and do puja!

yes, somewhere leeward lies my home...

my humdrum miniscule life magnified out of proportion

it's time to move it all to the back of my mind

the big things...they can wait too

far away from home, in this land of plants and trees

besides the still green lake, my mind is at peace.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


let's converse
lighter veins -
a tenderness here
an awareness there...
slowly moving
into deeper depths 
unexplored terrains
frightening in intensity
irresistably beckoning
in one hypnotic gaze
that draws out the soul

deeper and deeper
and deeper...

till all is said.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


are you a ghost now
come visit me
scare me at night
let me hear your anklets jingle
sit by my feet
as i sleep
till aware of your presence
i stir uneasily...
wake up to see you sitting there...
then, spend the night
talking to me
let's complete the unfinished story.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Here’s a basket I put in for you
To all that you have
I added some more
When you imagined saving me
When you gifted me what I already had
When I believed your story of flying to the moon
When I enjoyed our date at the roadside tea shop
Good looks
When I linked my arm in yours and walked proudly
When you married me
When I told you how much I loved you
And now, as we sip tea together and hold hands
I know
That you gave back double-fold
By giving me my life.