Friday, October 27, 2017


You were disbelieving, 
were you not?
In your innocence
You never imagined
Such things could happen
They weren't real.
Those near and dear to you
Were neither so near
Nor so dear.
Your screams echoed through empty skies
Birds flew away.
The wind blew hard
And branches swayed
Mother Earth smothered your terrified cries
Your body you realize
Is not a temple
Because there is no God.
Lowered to a commodity
Your body is not your own
One last thought remains
Mother, where are you?
The red rivulet
From your nostril
Nothing remains.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


As I lie down on the grass,
And the scented breeze goes on its spree,
As I doze amidst these flowers,
Who is it whispers to me?

As I, on this noon day tide,
Seek the cool shade of a tree,
In this stillness far and wide,
Who is it whispers to me?

Far away in the deep blue sky,
The white puffs travel all so free,
And I lie and close my eyes,
Yet who is it whispers to me?

Then on a moonlit night so bright,
Softly lighting on the lee,
Gently mocking my daily fight,
Who is it whispers to me?

I shut my eyes and ears so tight,
And then I think that I am free,
Yet He who loves me day and night,
He it is whispers to me.

When too busy to stop and think,
When I from my tasks do shirk and shrink,
Dear God, give me that I hear your voice,
Amidst this world's chaotic noise.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


how did you know 
there was still life 
beneath the ashes?
my dark grey skies
are sleepless nights - 
the many that have passed
a guarantee that life is short,
is meaningless
unless I gave it meaning.
somedays i could put my feet 
on the ground
and write on a blank paper
somedays, i just stare at a wall badly in need of paint.

this one time, you said
and i decided, this one time
i shall let that unruly child out again
who had been taught so well by life not to laugh.
this one time
i shall forget lessons of a lifetime
and let that Goblin peep...

she danced!
she sang!
she pranced!
she wanted to dig a potato?
she wanted to throw a fish into the lake?
she wore crazy tourist hat and glasses?

The Gamin is now back in the box
but I can feel her presence in me
In the form of two devilishly bright eyes
grinning and shining in the dark....  

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Down my lane
there are no strings
there are no 'musts'
it's your space
to be who you are - 
and uncompromised,
you breathe deeply
taking in freedom
with every breath.

Down my lane
there is secularism
where your chants and mantras
sit amicably by my rosaries
and I will not judge you
for  who you are
but seek to understand
what is it you need
what is it you're trying to say

'cause down my lane
is a life 
where there is only you
and your dreams.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


my eyes meet yours 
in a perfect fit
my breathing in 
your breathing out
balanced in your warmth
my cold
my convexes
to your concaves
our four feet in one direction
synchronized disagreements
our smiles stretch
and go full circles
my entangled curls
around your face
and I wonder
where do you begin
and I end?