Thursday, August 29, 2019


i'm dead
my poetry lives
you may do as you please 
with my poems
be kind to them
don't trample on them
don't throw them away
as obsolete
let not the papers fly in the wind
and find home 
in a faraway pond
to sink ink
to the bottom
don't take me for granted
think back to what i would have wanted
done with my poems
share them with others
pass them from hand to hand
so they can read too
and wonder at my thoughts
my profile pic is not my choice any more
nor is my resume
i remain the same year after year
but let my poems
bring forth a New Spring
again and again.

Monday, August 26, 2019


you were my childhood
that escaped into mosquito nets
with fireflies in matchboxes
you were little teapots and pans
little make believe world of dolls and doll weddings -
my sons getting married to your daughters
your palanquins making way to my house
mothers were fascinations, were they not?
they wore saris, those very long pieces of clothes
that we draped just like them
over our frocks
beetroot lipsticks and rouge
mamma's high heels and her handbag to match
her high pitched voice borrowed as we mimicked
'shall we go to the market?'
yes! the onions are so costly!
dance steps practiced diligently
frocks flying, hair flying...
our lives flew too
we were teenagers then 
we discussed boys
your mother taught you to cook
mine, to part ways
from you
to lead my life
while you led yours
women now
we lived knowing
childhood was a different birth
the now, the woman, is the one who lives
the one who births
the one who puts herself last on the list
the one who lives unquestioning...
i wonder now
did i even question that i may never see you again?
did i want to see you again?
did you want to see me again?
or did we bid goodbye
see you next birth?


Dear One Without Destiny
why did you come into this world?
why did you leave?
in a large family
cursed and unwanted
you lived
trying to make sense of 
dreams your parents said were yours
only to find 
that when the nightmare began
they were gone!
your screams turned to meaningless tears
the unseemly god
who knew not and cared not
for the one without destiny
turned to dust
leaving me to sing a soliloquy
for the one who knew not
why she was born.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


plodding on 
was making excuses
see? i'm doing stuff
to get there
to where it's all too big
the sheer magnitude
of the stage!!
that's where i want to be - 
from 'popular' to 'well known'
from petty human foibles
to thinking Humanity
from regional
'in your country'
to global
'resolving of issues'
digging up my past
questioning an angle that never occurred to me - 
placing me in a glass house
leaving me
frantically looking for the door!

and that's why permanent threshold is good
pretending to 'get there' is good
uneasy existence is good.
to die not knowing
is good.

Monday, August 12, 2019



Why is everything in place?
This picture-perfect

Where is her dirty towel
Draped carelessly over the chair?

Where are those tiny wet lips

Rubbed arrogantly
On my nightie
After a meal? 

Empty sofas mock me

The days I had picked up 
her helmet and bag and
so diligently

In the stillness that rings 

So eerie around the house
I hear Eminem's now silenced voice leer

Clean floors bear marks

Of her missing wet footprints
padding across the hall
towel-wrapped and doe-eyed.

Empty lids over empty vessels

Wait for the voice that screamed,

Her room echos her presence 

Every nook and corner

Hrithik flaunts his biceps in vain

There's no girlish hero worship to check them out

Rimona!  Don't talk back at me like that!
Rimona, it's time to go!
Rimona, you wretched child, how dare you!

Rimona!  Don't cry.....

"Rimona" I had called 
Into the world
And christened
An held in my arms
And looked with wonder
This epitome of my love

Rimona, I must not call out your name
Lest you come back

My heart rings hollow
All my love gone and spent
A lone tear remains
This mother's right 
To grieve.



The dirty towel dries 

Carefully hung on the rod inside my cup-board
My bed sheet folded neatly
And my things arranged in a corner.

Playing loud music seems like a waste of time

When there's no you around to irritate 
There's no mischief secretly done anymore
Or any sly remarks that'll be met with indignation.

Oh what a sight it was to see

The silent Golum gobbling up all the fish
And also anything that's available
When ironically she would have claimed that very morning
"I'm going on a diet from today, oh yes I am!"

All the intentional rude conversations
And the philosophical revelations made
In the darkness, thanks to the power cut
Lies a distant whisper along the blurred memory lane

I hear your voice, "MONA!!"
In that tone that irritates me the most
Calling out to me through
The emptiness that surrounds me here.

Mom, I had happily taken advantage of you
Troubled you as only I can
Lived on top of you...


My heart rings hollow now
All my inspiration to be rude gone and spent
A lone tear remains
This daughter's right 
To grieve.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Therapist I do not need
'cause I introspect
and I introspect this constant need
to get high - 
to walk into a mall and splurge on clothes
when there's a wardrobe full;
to eat processed or stale food at a restaurant
when I could cook fresh food at home
for half the price;
the need to party;
the need to run out of the house
or search the refrigerator for what's not there.

What is it I'm seeking?
What's the high?
I look around and know I chose
to be by myself, a deliberate choice
but I look around and see the choice I made
and it takes more and more to get my dopamine levels going
and having successfully shunned family and friends and love,
I now seek a high that does not exist.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


I let you confine me to a cubicle
name-plate me
ring a tag around my neck - 
my ID crisis
Define who I am
According to your will
Assess me on your weighing scales
One to ten
Place me somewhere at five
So I don't get way above you
Where you cannot reach
Or way below
To be of any use

To hold me there
You open your toolbox
Each turn a new tool:
For a laugh 
It could be a cold shoulder
For queries it could be 
A mute
A deaf ear

Yes....I let you
Hold me captive
Patiently still
While you clip my wings
Wondering all the time
"But what can you do
About the quietly growing wisdom
In my mind.....??"


with little nuances you own me!
with a wave of your hand -
'let's go!'
with your eyes -
'there's place besides me'
i laugh, you revel
i win -
you swell with pride
i cough, you turn
i give up -
you advance

little nuances
that confuse me
how can this be
that no one else can see
the storm you rake up 
with a glance

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Sitting by the window, 
dark day, quiet birds, howling wind
blowing away roof tops and felling trees like a true champ, resisting the temptation to give in to my wilder side and go to the terrace and get blown away, 
turning instead to the darkness, wondering whether i should let it flow within, 
or let the light within flow without, 
choosing to light the Philosophical Candle instead to watch it flicker and wonder if going aflame was really worth it, 
while my stomach rumbles reminding me there's nothing to eat, and nothing to cook with the fridge so bare, 
i slap at the inadvertent mosquito, 
wondering what to do when my phone dies out too....
bracing myself for a looooong night - and through it all it rains!

Monday, August 5, 2019


There was no destiny
No mercy
No rationale
No omen
No prediction
No protection
And no God.

Just a shoot out.